
Github Pages is a simple way of generating static websites from markdown files, using the Jekyll software.

For running a GitHub Pages blog, you need mainly these:

  • setting DNS A and AAAA records for your domain name: pointing to GitHub Pages’ servers
  • creating a GitHub repository and registering it for GitHub Pages
  • setting a TXT record to make a connection between your domain name and GitHub Pages
  • installing Ruby, Bundler and Jekyll on your machine
  • creating the file structure in your repository’s docs directory with Jekyll
  • testing your page locally
  • testing your page on GitHub Pages

Setting DNS records for your domain name

DNS is Domain Name System, a method to assign IP addresses to machine names. A DNS A record sets an IPv4 address for a domain name like, an AAAA record registers an IPv6 address.

I suggest you to do this first, as this takes time to go through DNS servers. For using your domain name for your blog, you need to set its A records to point to Github Pages’ IPv4 addresses and AAAA records to its IPv6 addresses. The result should be this, using the dig command:

$ dig
;; ANSWER SECTION:      3600    IN      A      3600    IN      A      3600    IN      A      3600    IN      A


$ dig -t AAAA
;; ANSWER SECTION:      3600    IN      AAAA    2606:50c0:8000::153      3600    IN      AAAA    2606:50c0:8001::153      3600    IN      AAAA    2606:50c0:8002::153      3600    IN      AAAA    2606:50c0:8003::153

The guide for this is at Configuring an apex domain on

You need to set A and AAAA records through your domain registrar’s domain administration page. You might need to delete some CNAME and other records that would be in conflict with the A and AAAA records.

Creating a GitHub repository and registering it for GitHub Pages

The basic setup is to create a repository with your GitHub username as a name: the two should be identical. Then, go to its Settings menu, choose Pages on the left sidebar. Choose “Deploy from branch” as a Source, the main branch and /docs as folder. Save these. Set your Custom domain.

For details, check Publishing from a branch on .

Verifying your domain name with Github Pages

You need to verify your domain with Github Pages with a custom TXT record, see Verifying a domain for your user site on . For checking your TXT record, modify this accordingly:

$ dig +nostats +nocomments +nocmd TXT

with adequate username and domain name. If you see the registered value of your TXT record, then you have made a connection from your Github Pages repository to your domain name – A records did this the other way around.

Installing Ruby, Bundler and Jekyll

Ruby is a popular programming environment for websites. Its plugins are called gems, and an uncautious installation of these can lead to Dependency Hell.

To avoid this, use Installing Ruby On Rails on Ubuntu description on, until installing Bundler.

To install Jekyll, cd into your GitHub repository’s root directory, and write a short Gemfile:

gem 'jekyll'

and run

$ bundler install

This will install Jekyll into this directory.

Creating a GitHub Pages site

Change your working directory to docs. Write a short Gemfile with

gem 'webrick'


$ bundler install

to install webrick, a small webserver that enables checking the development of your website on localhost. That gives you a quick feedback, unlike pushing your content to Github Pages, which takes minutes to go through.

For setting up the file structure for your website, invoke

$ bundler exec jekyll new .

in the docs directory. To test whether it works correctly, invoke

$ bundler exec jekyll serve

It will tell you the URL to reach your new website, which is usually


For official advice consult Creating a GitHub Pages site with Jekyll on . Caveat: I followed a different way in this description.

Pushing your site to Github Pages

For this you need to push your essential files up to your Github Pages repository. Invoke

$ git status .

in the docs directory to see which files you should git add, commit and push. Jekyll installed a .gitignore that avoids adding generated HTML files: Github Pages will generate those on its server from the source files you pushed up. As said earlier, this process takes a few minutes. Now you can build your site with pages and posts, but this post was only about setting up the system.